Copper clad steel is one of the most commonly materials for tracer wires. Its main advantages are:
1.Lower cost
Save 20% of your budget
Low resell value for theft. Treated surface to minimize attention
keep protecting you for 30 years. Better performance against extreme working condition
4.Easy installation
No tooling & accessories adjustment require bend, connect and weld like copper
The market demand for copper clad steel tracer wires is also increasing due to the increasing demand from the natural gas industry for better tracing tools for pipelines.
In addition, this product can reduce operating costs. Helps to monitor and repair underground copper cables.
Therefore, tracer wires are widely used in the following industries:
1.Natural Gas Lines
2.Fiber Optic, Signal and Communication Lines
3.Potable Water Lines
4.Sewer and Drain Lines
5.Reclaimed Water Lines
6.Electric Power Lines
7.Proposed Excavation